Banpresto One Piece The Shukko Shanks Figure.
One Piece is an extremely popular Japanese franchise that began as a manga series created by Eiichiro Oda. The story follows Monkey D. Luffy throughout his various adventures as a pirate along with the memorable allies alongside him. This comedic action franchise is the bestselling manga series in history and has expanded to other media formats with terrific success, including a popular anime series and various anime films.
Created by Banpresto, celebrate the legendary One Piece anime/manga series with the new The Shukko line. Designed with a greater emphasis on detailing, this series focuses on enhancing coloring and smaller details to bring superior figures to life. Collect them all on your journey for the One Piece.
Banpresto is proud to introduce a new entry into their popular The Shukko line with a fan favorite character: Shanks. Captain of the Red Hair Pirates, Shanks is considered one of the most powerful people in the world and has gained the title as one of the Four Emperors. Highly respected even amongst his enemies in the World Government, a single word from the swordsman can end entire wars.
This Non Articulated ABS and PVC Figure Stands Approximately 6.7 Inches Tall.
Figure Comes Packaged in a Color Box.
This Figure is Brand New and Factory Sealed.
Pictures are for Illustrative Purposes Only.
We Do Not Guarantee Box Condition or Paint on these Figures.If You Have Any Questions on this Figure, Let Us Know.